Both, mostly ground

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Thursday, May 04, 2023, 04:17 (505 days ago) @ Paul

I make a pot every night with our automatic pot set to brew right and as my alarm goes off. My wife and I have a big cup before heading into work for the day. She works in an office setting and sometimes will have another cup during. Day. On a rare occasion I will have a cup when I get home too. I often have an afternoon cup on the weekends, especially in the winter. For my afternoon cup, I try to enjoy it a bit more and will often grind beans. I wanted to explore ‘fancy’ coffe a couple years back so she bought me a little electric grinder and a glass French press. Not quite as fancy as Japanese tea ceremony, there is something to be said for grinding. Beans, heating the water and pouring it together then prepping the cup (with lots of sugar) and waiting for it to brew.

I also have one of the porcelain blue percolator pots I use on hunting/camping trips. There seems to be something special about that coffee but I know it’s just the location and situation that makes it special!


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