Café da manhã!

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, May 03, 2023, 07:27 (506 days ago) @ JimT

Similar alimentary customs as Brazil, only we at least had brewed fresh coffee, black enough to not be able to see the bottom of the tiny cup, sweet enough to hike your blood sugar up and thick enough you had to cut a chunk off to swallow. The typical breads of the region were not wheat based but rather derived from manioc starch, broken rice or coarse corn meal - the last two varieties being made into "cuscus", steamed bread with no leavening. The best was when someone had made a kill and there were pan drippings and a bit of meat to go with it. But the usual was plain and served with the cafezinho. In the right season we'd have café con leite, the milk being what was stolen from the calves early in the morning before letting them all out to graze.

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