There's a lot to be said...

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, May 02, 2023, 10:43 (507 days ago) @ Hoot

for the utility of the big plastic tubs once they're emptied. :-D What I've discovered about coffee is that it's much like handgun grippystockhandlethingies. What tickles one person's fancy simply doesn't work for another. Our friend has gone the way of the Juan Valdez brand, which to me is an insipid swill or if brewed t0 strength is a bitter draught to swallow. Having been raised in an area where coffee was toasted black, ground in a wooden mortar and pestle type setup and prepared thick and sweet, what passes for coffee among "civilized" folks just doesn't cut the mustard. We buy a local brand here that is a fine dark roast and makes a lovely DARK cuppa joe when prepared right. We ended up with some Juan Valdez beans one time. I made one batch and then retoasted them in our air popcorn popper until they were properly dark. Made much better coffee that way.

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