When we dropped down to Ecuador a few years ago...

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, May 02, 2023, 20:21 (506 days ago) @ RayLee

we stayed at a nice, cheap hotel somewhere along the route to Quito. Breakfast was included with the cost of the room. When we walked into the dining area we were greeted with "¿agua o leche?" (water or milk?). It caught us off guard and we had to request a repeat, at which point we were STILL in the dark as to what was being asked! No cultural context was the problem. It turned out they wanted to know if we wanted hot milk or hot water to mix our instant coffee in. We didn't have a decent cup of coffee the whole time we were visiting, nothing but instant granules were to be had. I guess I take our fortune of living in a top coffee producing region for granted.

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