Ground or beans?

by RayLee, Tuesday, May 02, 2023, 19:29 (506 days ago) @ Paul

Pre-ground Folgers in the red tub. "black silk" is the preferred variety when the contessa can find it, "columbian dark" when the silk is absent. I drink 20+ cups dark and strong during a 14 hour work shift. Yes, my shooting and needle & fishhook threading abilities suffer as you can imagine.

As for "coffee country", when I was below the equator in '88 & '93, you simply could not get a decent cup of brewed coffee. In those days, the argentine, peru, bolivia, chile and uruguay were referred to culinarily as the "nescafe society/culture" Instant coffee predominated even in places where the tablecloths were not checkered. Nobody could explain exactly why what with many tonnes of sacks of beans stacked on the docks awaiting export.

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