And then there was the home made spice disaster...

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, August 31, 2022, 08:39 (751 days ago) @ AaronB

way back when we lived in NE Brazil, we had a nice little bit of raised garden (to keep termites from destroying everything) and part of that garden was a decent collection of various Brazilian pepper bushes. We had a lovely crop which I strung on thread and dried. The peppers were then stripped off the thread and tossed into the blender to be ground into "chili powder". We ended up with a nice little container of "I did it myself" chili seasoning which I then decided to incorporate into one of our family tradition recipes - "Tamale Pie". This is a concoction of chili con carne spread between layers of corn dough and cheese. It's baked in the oven and served piping hot. So I used about 1/8 tsp of my lovely new stash of chili powder and made up a Tamale Pie, which I then was obligated to eat almost by myself as the boys were NOT up to eating something that spicy and my wife went on strike as well! The greater portion went into the fridge where some of that spice migrated into the corn and the next day it was even better. But the boys still couldn't eat it, although my wife did enjoy it a bit the second time around.

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