I figure some of y'all might have opinions about chili.

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, August 31, 2022, 08:30 (751 days ago) @ AaronB

My opinion on chili is that it's good stuff. Chili con Carne like the texicans insist on is great. So is the Yankees Locos bean soup with meat. Seeing as how you're up in the NE corner of the country, here's what I'd do (approximately, depending on mood, ingredients, etc)

First, cook up a batch of pinto beans, use a crock pot on low setting and a ham bone with plenty of ham fat/rind if available.

In a skillet brown the meat (sausage is one place to start, or just plain ground pork or ???)

Add a bit of finely chopped onion and some garlic. Add some McCormick or other "Chili Powder" (most Yankees can handle a bit of this) and a can of tomato puré (or sauce or whatever you call it, but just plain tomato - unless you're looking to add heat or whatever - I've even used spaghetti sauce - shhhh! secret ingredient!) and a can of diced tomatoes. Add a squirt of mustard and a tablespoon of brown sugar (helps take the edge off the acid in the tomatoes) Let this simmer a while.

In a large container mix the beans and the meat sauce. Kick it into the fridge for a day or so. This gives things a bit of time to blend together. Toss it back into the crock pot and bring it up to serving temperature. Voilá!

Now, I tend to get a bit carried away with the spices and such, tossing in a bit of everything including cinnamon and ginger and whatever else is on the spice rack. Not a lot of anything, just a blend of spices. The McCormick chili powder is what gives it that distinctive "chili flavor" that seems to be recognized as such by a lot of Yankees. Other brands can be substituted, of course. Just keep an eye out for the spicier versions if you don't want to have the fire department called.

Hmmm... we've got an after meeting dinner scheduled for Sunday. Now my creative juices are flowing, maybe I'll mix up a batch to take.

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