I figure some of y'all might have opinions about chili.

by AaronB, Tuesday, August 30, 2022, 14:16 (752 days ago)

Hi everyone.

So it turns out that my local church and another church in town have decided to have a quarterly cook-off. It provides a little friendly competition, allows us to feed some people, meet in town at the gazebo and play some music, and most of all share the gospel with folks who come to taste and judge the competitors' food.

Last time around the food was barbecue, and this time around it's to be chili and chowder (we're in New England after all).

I've got my definite ideas about chili, of course, and I make a good pot of it...but this is for competition. My ideas for a chili entry include:

I do understand from the Texans that chili contains no beans. This being New Hampshire, it's also going to have to contain no heat; minimal cayenne & such. My personal go-to recipe involves pork breakfast sausage and ground venison, and no beef at all.

But what say you? What's the secret to the best chili?


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