I hit OK with mine...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Friday, June 27, 2014, 00:25 (3745 days ago) @ Art

by just shoving the slide up front of the the target and pulling trigger straight back, all at once. This works OK in good light or just enough light to confirm that the slide is square on to whatever you're shooting at. At least that's how I adapted to the machine and it gets me quick, sure hits to about 25 yards.

My LCP has been 100% reliable. It is the easiest carrying semi-serious pocket gun I've ever tried and it's even fairly accurate. But its sights are indeed pitiful. I don't have much money in mine and I'm seriously considering filing the front sight off, center-drilling the slide and tapping it for the smallest tritium shotgun sight I can find. Something along these lines, but with headlights-


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