
by rob @, Saturday, June 21, 2014, 21:23 (3750 days ago) @ Slow Hand

A pistol has that square corner that doesn't feel as comfortable in AIWB carry. The grip on the revolver naturally follows the contour of the waistline when you sit and lacks the obtrusive back-of-slide corner. I've almost fully convinced myself that a 4" .357 is my first line of defense if I need a handgun for serious work. It was good enough for Jordan, Skeeter and a host of others who's lives depended on a serious gun. I've never wanted to carry a backup but lately I've thought it might be a good idea so this 938 gets the nod. There are times it's my only carry gun but if I felt I was definitely going into harm's way I'm going first with a .357.

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