How small is the Springfield XDs 45 - well....

by visitor, Saturday, June 21, 2014, 16:26 (3750 days ago) @ stonewalrus

I handled one when first out. It is a remarkably thin and short .45. Much more compact than the Glock G36 also being looked over at same time. Being a new gun and a remarkably small new gun, I passed and bought the tried and true G36, probably because it was cleaner not covered with writing or decorative racy texturings so market driven.

Have not regretted the choice even though only pockets the Glock works with are those of field jacket size and larger.

The Glock is probably about as small as I will go as autos work on reciprocating mass or speed and the smaller they are, the less forgiving.

I have yet to induce a jam in the Glock even when held with two fingers and flopping all over the place with arm outstretched at side and wrist bent 90 degs while shooting. It is far from perfect in any way for me (aside from perhaps rust resistance better than stainless), but at least it seems trustworthy

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