It is smaller than my M&P compact - completely covers it

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Saturday, June 21, 2014, 20:43 (3750 days ago) @ stonewalrus

The thing that kills that size auto for me is that hunk sticking out past the Smiths hammer. I've had a handful of 'pocket' nines and while the fit in the same size box As a J frame and are as thin or thinner, they just don't pocket carry well for me. A buddy had a Glock 36, but sold of because it was the same size as his G19. Less power, yes, but more than double the capacity more than makes up for it! I figure if I'm going to put a gun in a belt holster, for serious social use, I'm going with a full or at least mid sized gun that carries as many bullets as possible! No spray and pray for me, but it seems like these days, groups of bad guys are more the norm.

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