I fiddled with Officers & officer clones for years...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, June 21, 2014, 17:25 (3750 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

finally getting their kinks figured out enough to make them reliable with 'some' JHP's. Then I shot my first G30 and it made me wonder why I went to all that work. If I needed a small 45, the 30 or one of its variants is what I would carry. I can buy any part I want for it, work on it myself, mod the trigger pull with OEM parts. Mags and holsters are everywhere.

And rumor has it I like 1911's.

I've shot 3 XDs now. All of them ran OK but 2 had trouble ejecting live rounds. It seemed like they were a little short-chambered? Granted it was probably just new-gun bugs, but when it comes to weapons I like proven stuff.

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