My 2 cents worth

by Charles, Sunday, May 11, 2014, 09:49 (3792 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I started shooting the handgun 56 years ago. My formal instruction in defensive/combat handgun shooting was slight. A couple of session with Bill Jordon on the river bank and a session with Bill Tony at the Border Patrol Academy was it. Both these guys taught me draw and fire with my eyes on the target and the pistol waist high. The range was short and shorter. I was then told to practice until I could do a good job of what needed to be done. I was also admonished to take up Bulleye Target shooting to learn about trigger squeeze, sight picture, proper grip and breath control. When I had that down, I should then learn to do it with two hands and I was finished.

I did as instructed and in a couple of years was a fair pistol shot up close and far away.

That was about the time when Col Cooper came on the scene. I read his stuff and was interested in what he was doing. I read about the Weaver stance and took a look at what I was doing and found I had found that was a natural stance for me and I was the blind squirrel that found the nut by accident. I was using the Weaver stance and didn't even know it.

I have never been in a gun fight, although I did have to pull the pistol twice. I carry a gun daily and feel confident in my ability to use it. I still practice what I learned from Jordon and Tony.

I read the article by Jim Wilson and feel he is spot on. I have never been to Gunsite or be trained by any guru. Somehow I don't feel the need I can no longer run, jump roll and all of that stuff. I will just have to stand my ground and use the skills I have and hope I come through. At any rate, I know I am not going to die young so survival isn't near the issue it was some years back.

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