A very good way to get shot.......

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, May 10, 2014, 15:02 (3792 days ago) @ Byron

Turn to page 97 of that old, pre-Modern Technique book and you will see what Cooper had to say about “pointer fire.”

“It’s an axiom that hitting your target is your main concern, and the best way to hit is to use your sights, but circumstances do arise in which the need for speed is so great, and the range so short, that you must hit by pointing alone, without seeing your gun at all.

Pointer fire is not as hard to learn as sighting, once you realize it’s range limitations. using the 1911 auto-pistol I have found that I can teach the average infantryman to stay on a silhouette at 10 yards – using pointer fire in two shot bursts – more easily that I can get him into that 25 yard bullseye using slow fire and sights.

Of course this sort of shooting is strictly a way of obtaining body hits at essentially indoor ranges ( 30 feet and under) …. But up close pointer fire can be murderously effective, and it’s mastery is often the difference between life and death.”

– Fighting Handguns, pages 97-98

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