Because of things I have had to do in the past...

by JLF @, Saturday, May 10, 2014, 20:12 (3792 days ago) @ pokynojoe

"Which always begged the question for me: How does one draw their sidearm, fire a disabling shot, and move out of the way(all at the same time), of impending gunfire from an assailant already pointing a gun at you, with their finger on the trigger, from a distance no further than the width of a store counter?"

The answer, believe it or not, is reaction time. Very few common robbers are cold-blooded killers. Yes they have a loaded gun pointed at you, and yes, they will shoot you. But NOT until they react to the idea that you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing with a loaded gun pointed at you! That can take milliseconds for the quick thinkers, and seconds for the dullards. Either way, that is enough time to do what you describe above, IF *you* are deliberate, and move without any hesitation.


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