Because of things I have had to do in the past...

by pokynojoe, Saturday, May 10, 2014, 16:42 (3792 days ago) @ Byron

I have always assumed, that were I to find myself in a "gunfight", that the most likely scenario would be that it would take place at a distance not much further than the width of a store counter.

Which always begged the question for me: How does one draw their sidearm, fire a disabling shot, and move out of the way(all at the same time), of impending gunfire from an assailant already pointing a gun at you, with their finger on the trigger, from a distance no further than the width of a store counter?

I answered this question by assuming that indeed, I would get shot. The only question that remained was would I survive? A sobering thought. Fortunately, I never had to find out.

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