A very good way to get shot.......

by Byron, Saturday, May 10, 2014, 14:27 (3792 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

In my opinion, while Jeff brought a lot to the world of practical pistol shooting his "Modern Technique" is found wanting when applied to the real world.

According to NYPD reports from stats on 1000s and 1000s of shootings over decades, 90%ish of shootouts took place within 10' and most within 5'. This is published history and the FBI has just (within the last year) changed its training to focus on shooting within conversational distance as result of these facts.

If one will square off with a partner, both armed with gas airsoft pistols within this 10' distance it will become instantly clear that no matter what, if one chooses to "stand and deliver" they will be shot regardless of whether or not they are able to hit their man.

If one accepts the fact that the absolute best outcome that can be hoped for in a shootout is to not be shot, then the Weaver stance, flash sight picture and controlled pair when faced with someone shooting at you from 5' simply does not work.

Force on force will very quickly show that to avoid being shot when faced by someone with a gun who wants to shoot you close up that your chances of success increase greatly if you jerk your sidearm and point shoot a burst one handed at your man while jumping sideways at the same time.

When Earp said to take your time and shoot carefully, he was not talking about being surprised at arms length by a bad guy.

In addition, anyone who fancies themselves with being "ready" is not unless they train force on force at arms length. Cardboard targets at 7 yards will not get you "ready".


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