Having grown up around Detroit...

by Brian A, Tuesday, March 11, 2014, 08:22 (3853 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I have had my life threatened a few times by idiots with knives or firearms. So far have been able to avoid any bloodshed but try to always be prepared to defend myself if necessary. The most dangerous situation was while working downtown, with my attention diverted and having a miscreant manage to get too close with a sawed off shotgun. Even with a 1911 stuck in my waistband there was little I could do but depend on my ability to talk my way out of it. I had no ability to satisfy his demands for cash or valuable goods, since I had neither in my possession, and trying to draw while staring down the barrel of a shotgun six feet away would've been suicide. I make definite efforts to minimize chances of getting caught in such situations again, and always have multiple contingency plans just in case.

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