Whatever it took/takes.... 'last resort' so it be's fo' real

by John Meeker @, Monday, March 10, 2014, 11:19 (3854 days ago) @ bpjon

Forethought, avoidance, situation awareness, and being armed are all tools to be used. Mostly, predators understand and read those -- and have taken a pass. I would never be mistaken for a tough guy, but those few times there were 'issues', apparently the aggressors could 'smell' my intent. If they are too far gone or feeling all gang-man, then the dictum of bayonet training rules, from start to finish with the mostest tools, first-est. So, nothin' more here, than about all of us practice daily. And, while there have been a few people 'deservin', it's likely there would have been some expensive legal aftermaths -- so "Tread lightly and carry thunder sticks, edges, and determination" apparently will have to serve as the most I can contribute.

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