Would you slit an attacker's throat?

by bpjon, Sunday, March 09, 2014, 21:39 (3854 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

My last encounter that could be called a fight took place about ten years ago. It was a fair fight, so I was losing. At about the point he decided he was going to break my arm, I decided to knife him. One good slash that sent the blood spurting convinced him to change his mind about my arm.

I came to realize that while I had regrets about what I did, I was mostly regretting I had been foolish enough to let the situation escalate without either leaving or doing something overwhelming early on to stop the situation cold. Actually using the knife on him didn't really bother me a bit.

I have the same Spyderco in my pocket as I type this, and have no qualms about using it if justified.

BTW, my antagonist was killed by somebody else less than a year later, in self defense.

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