Don't know, haven't been there yet.

by MR, Sunday, March 09, 2014, 10:57 (3855 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I have been ready and very willing to shoot someone that was in position to pose a genuine threat. It was surprising to me after the fact in that it wasn't a panic or fear driven response it was a almost dead calm matter of fact feeling of if they cross "that" line they are going to get shot multiple times.
I carry a 3½ inch "assisted opening knife" as part of my daily wardrobe (legal in Texas since last Sept 1). Without a lot of false bravado, I do believe I would use what ever means at hand to protect myself or especially a family member be it knife hammer, baseball bat, machete, fencing pliers or what ever is at hand. I have short legs, short arms, and I am 60 years old, slugging it out and winning is not an option.

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