Would you slit an attacker's throat?

by Otony, Sunday, March 09, 2014, 04:35 (3855 days ago) @ Otony

And now, the rest of the story....

They put me in a cell while they proceed to interview all and sundry present, me, idiot boy in the ER, his equally idiotic companion, the neighbor who had called them, my parents, yadda yadda yadda. Enough of the stories corresponded that they decided that I had indeed been defending myself. That and the fact that I had never been in trouble, while idiot boy had been a frequent visitor to their fine establishment, decided them on the course of action of releasing me without having been charged, booked, or beaten with a rubber hose. I was given a stern lecture about calling them FIRST next time, told to never ever do something so stupid again, and sent home with a pat on the head. The fact that my opponent got sent to the ER and then locked to a hospital bed seemed to quietly please them, btw.

Since then, I have never allowed myself to act so stupidly. Discretion being the best form of valor, I am gone when there is the merest hint of things going awry. I am also ready, willing, and able to defend myself, not react like a screaming girl. No more surprises, I am waiting for the worst. Condition yellow and orange, and all that. I am happy to report that that was the last time I went mano a mano with an assailant, although there have been a few tense moments where I thought I would be doing so once more. The difference being that I had the upper hand of being prepared and willing to take action. Funny how that communicates itself, as I have never brandished a weapon since then, but have apparently exuded a "can do" willingness that effectively terminated the fight before joining into fisticuffs or worse.

Don't take this to mean that I am a bad-ass mofo, waiting to take on all comers. Nope, if anything, it made me more cautious than before, and better yet, more willing to take a decisive stature, rather than hoping for the best. I will say that once constrained to taking up arms, I wasn't hesitant about doing so. That first slash across his forehead may have been a reaction more than an intent, but from thereon out my cuts were intentional and effective. It would have been nice to have subdued him earlier, and with less shrieking, but as they say, it was all good in the end. Since I am not a burly boy like Rob, I work with what's available, and that means being armed and ready. So far it has worked, there have been at three events that come to mind where having a tool ended the story without muss or fuss. YMMV.........


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