CrossFit vs 60 year old joints/ I sprung myself good...

by John P., Monday, July 15, 2013, 21:00 (4093 days ago) @ Byron

I did some research on CrossFit, and I found that it has a high injury rate with the workouts. For years I did hard heavy workouts with running, martial arts, heavy weight lifting, and various eclectic workouts to enhance my martial arts training ( similar to CrossFit, but before it was around). Now at age 47, I am looking at a hip resurfacing on my right hip in two weeks. I think these heavy hard workouts damage one's body at any age. Look at professional athletes as they age; most are suffering from past injuries. Once I am healed my workouts will be 30-40 minutes of cardio ( fast walking, biking, or elliptical ) and light high rep weight training. Good luck and feel better.

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