CrossFit vs 60 year old joints/ I sprung myself good...

by anachronism, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 19:23 (4095 days ago) @ Byron

:-P I'm 55, and work in a warehouse in blazing heat and freezing cold managing a bunch of guys half my age. I live for the times that one of them will say something is impossible so I can do it and show them up :-) . These 100 degree days are starting to get to me though, and my crew would probably laugh themselves silly to see how hard it is to get out of bed in the mornings. Now my Doc says to knock it off and act like a man 2/3s my age or better, I'm doing too much damage to my knee and hip joints lifting stupidly heavy stuff. I don't remember getting older, when did this happen? Don't ever let them see you wince...

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