I do have a down side too

by anachronism, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 10:15 (4094 days ago) @ stonewalrus

About four years ago, shortly after my wife died from kidney disease, I was horribly overstressed and my heart went into full time atrial fibrilation, so I don't have full heart function. The Docs hang a monitor on me once a year to see how I'm progressing. This year the Doc asked me what on earth I was doing at 2:00, since my heart rate went from around 80 to 170 almost instantly. I was moving a 450 lb Detroit Diesel cylinder head by hand from one pallet to another by hand at that time. Doc told me to never, ever do that again, or anything similar to it. So I've had to put a 150 lb limit on my lifting, and that may be a bit too high too. I obviously didn't lift the 450 lb head off the pallet, but lifted one end and moved it a foot or two, then did the same to the other side so I was still dealing with some serious weight. It's really annoying to have a twenty-something he-man attitude, but a damaged 55 year old body to work with.

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