Guns that shouldn't have 'worked' but did

by FOG, Saturday, June 08, 2013, 12:28 (4131 days ago)

I've never owned a 6-inch 1911, but I did once have a copy of the 'infamous' AMT Longslide with a 7-inch barrel, and it shot like a laser.

S-e-e-e-riously. :-D

In addition, while I'm sure it did at least once, I honestly don't recall the Longslide ever 'jamming'. In fact, it was probably the most 'popular' gun in my collection during the time I owned it: EVERYBODY wanted to shoot it − and EVERYBODY did. If the pistol had been prone to misfeeding, I'm pretty sure I'd remember it.

It also came with a very nice, crisp trigger pull, plus it was one of the later guns with the Millett rear sight. Neither was any impediment on the range, that's for sure.

One thing about that trigger, though: One day, I detail-stripped the pistol and discovered one leg of the sear had departed the scene. Since I bought the gun NIB from a dealer, this was apparently an OEM 'feature'.

I've had other guns like it over the years, but for a 'cheapie' with a 'bad' reputation, my AMT Longlide was truly remarkable. Remembering it almost makes me wish I still had it.

Almost. ;-)


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