.44 roundball from a Remington New Model Army

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 13:27 (724 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Another one was a .223, or the jacket from one anyways. I had just got my paperwork approved for my first machine gun, a River AC556 woth the folding stock and 13” barrel. A buddy had a family farm we could go shoot at, in a patch of woods. Not a very good test for a 223, but it was more about making noise at that point! We had some steel plates set up way too close and at one burst, I felt something hit my shin. I pulled up my jeans and saw blood and a hunk of copper jacket sticking out of my skin! It was a decent sized hunk and had gone in and hit my shin bone and curled around so o couldn’t pull it straight out! Had into grab it with a pair of needle nosed pliers and ‘un-curl’ it from my leg! Of course we didn’t have any medical supplies but we found a hunk of kind of clean rag and some tape and we were back to shooting! Ahhh; youthful exuberance!!


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