What was the caliber of the gun you were shot with?

by JimT, Texas, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 08:52 (724 days ago)

The first I was shot with was a .32 S&W. I was about 8 years old. I was in the basement with my Dad and he was testing a .32 S&W. He fired it into a 4x4 and the bullet came back and hit me in the leg. Scared me but didn't hurt me.

I once was shot in the big toe with a .45 Colt 255 gr. RN. I did it to myself! I had loaded some and stepped out onto the porch in my bare feet to test one. I shot into the end of some firewood and the bullet bounced back and whacked me in the big toe on my left foot. Raised a big blood blister.

I have been shot at in serious but was never hit. I ain't asking for those stories as they can be quite traumatic and private.

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