.44 roundball from a Remington New Model Army

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 13:23 (724 days ago) @ JimT

I was timing a buddy at a cowboy shoot over in IL when I was In college (about the time I found the original board) and we had a stage where we suit ten bowling pins off of a railroad tie down on the ground. I guess the toughness of the pin, plus the fact that it moved backwards when it was hit was enough to make that pure lead roundball not penetrate and instead it came back at me. I actually saw it for a millisecond as it came my direction and luckily it his right at my waste line. I was dressed in full CAS gear and it hit my leather gun belt, which was over top of my vest, shirt, pants and underwear! It didn’t even leave a welt on me! I saw it land and picked it up after he was done shooting. At the time, you could see a round mark from the flattened pit bullet on my belt, butnit has long since faded. I actually just got word that that Freind has passed away recently. He will be missed. His name was also Doug and his birthday was the day after mine!


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