What was the caliber of the gun you were shot with?

by Catoosa, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 10:39 (724 days ago) @ JimT

In the movie "A Christmas Story", the kid is admonished "You'll shoot yer eye out, kid!". Well, it came VERY close to happening to me when I was about 12 or so. I was shooting my uncle's Daisy BB gun into a dirt bank. There was an odd-looking object embedded in the dirt, and I casually popped off a shot at it from about 10 feet away. The BB came back and whacked me smartly on the left ear, about two inches from my left eye. I was not wearing glasses.

Turned out the object I had shot at was the end of a brickbat, and apparently the surface I shot at was exactly perpendicular to the path of the BB, so the BB came right back at me with enough force to have easily penetrated my unprotected eye.

SEVERAL lessons learned from that experience.

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