Lars of Survival Russia on YouTube has a Makarov similar

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 07:32 (1150 days ago) @ RayLee

Indeed the recoil springs on these are of the less than substantial variety. I've briefly seen various items about attempting to set one up for use with regular ammunition. So far none have addressed the issue of a recoil spring sufficient to keep it from beating itself to death in short order. I've also not found any regular cartridge that would fit in the magazine.

Yesterday I stopped at a new store in town. There I examined an Ekol Viper 4" barreled revolver. Now the curiosity is really kicking in. The main problem is the lack of 380R P.A.K. ammunition on the market. To obtain a box there of I'd have had to purchase the gun and they'd no more ammo to sell than that one box per pistol. The barrel restriction in the Viper is much less than in the TR92K and other semiautos. My guess is that's due to not needing to generate blowback to operate the slide such as is required in the bottom feeders. The barrel/cylinder gap was quite close, lockup was not that great. But from the idea of actually projecting a projectile worth projecting it appears to be a better platform.

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