Not exactly...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, July 19, 2021, 09:25 (1159 days ago) @ Miles Fortis

Here's some information on the genre:

9x22 PAK

Here in Coffee Country they have two designations:

9mm P.A.K. - blank firing, solid barrel
9mm P.A. - Less lethal rubber ball ammunition - pass through barrel

This one is of the second variety. It fires a 9 mm ball through a (roughly) 5 mm barrel. This creates the pressure needed to work the slide (blowback action). Accuracy at 10 meters leaves a lot to be desired.


These were shot with my arms over a rest. As you can see there's a LOT of dispersion. They say that this brand ("Rubber Ball") is the highest power ammunition available here, but Ózkursan brand is more accurate. Time will tell. My supplier was out of Ózkursan. The problem here is like trying to throw a balloon as fast as possible. It's hard to control the direction it's going. Gently push the same balloon and it will float fairly accurately (all things considered) over the same distance.


So I moved up to 3 or 4 meters and shot off hand. Nice, ragged, one hole group. It's a bit low and to the left, but good consistency at this distance. I'm really curious as to what the other brand is capable of accuracy wise. Also, we didn't shoot it that much yesterday, just 15 rounds for familiarization. A friend has one of these that he's put over 5,000 rounds through without a bobble of any kind.


Here's the last rounds shot yesterday. I had my wife try it at the same 3 or 4 meter distance. And this is the main purpose of such an implement - a training device. She's not a shooter and it's been a while since she'd shot anything at all. Recoil is similar or even less than that of a 22 LR pistol of same size. Essentially you only feel the movement of the slide. She did well, considering she's not shot anything like this in years.

If one were to use such a thing for defense, aiming for the reproductive system of a male attacker is about the only hope of stopping an attack, as an impact to that region would be essentially a blow to the "central nervous system" - if you get my drift. Not a death blow, but the only forlorn hope of any effectiveness.

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