Lars of Survival Russia on YouTube has a Makarov similar

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, July 21, 2021, 18:58 (1157 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

From what I've gathered so far, Russia, Italy, Turkey and maybe Ukraine make this type of firearm, designed to shoot only blanks or rubber projectiles. In a lot of places they only allow blank guns, others allow rubber projectiles like this one shoots. I wish we had more options on the ammo, but plan to test whatever I can come up with. The preliminary results at 3 or 4 meters show promise, not sure yet how I'll regulate the sites - or may just leave them be. A Makarov or 1911 style would be preferable to me, but we don't have a lot to choose from. I may try and trade for a "Desert Eagle" style a fellow club member offered me. We'll see what happens. He's got a couple others as well that may be more interesting. So far all I've seen here are of Turkish origin.

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