Lars of Survival Russia on YouTube has a Makarov similar

by RayLee, Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 06:57 (1150 days ago) @ Paul

I was recently watching an episode of this.....

Actually watching and reading the english subtitles as its dialog is russian. The theme is a terminally ill sociopathic and psychotic f.s.b. major investigates and solves serial murders with the help of a willowy 22 year old chica.

The chica carries a realistic looking makarov with an empty chamber. When danger looms near she deftly and effortlessly peels back the slide with those wispy cruella de ville fingers. My b.s. meter instantly raised a red flag. Anybody with a real makarov knows the substantial grip and wrist and forearm strength needed to cycle a real makarov.

While cleaning the gun, there was a close shot of her loading the magazine and the ammo looked exactly like the rubber ball depicted above which explains the easy slide action.

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