20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by Catoosa, Thursday, January 10, 2019, 11:48 (2081 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I probably should make up a new handle, since I no longer live in Catoosa County GA and haven't for some time. But, that's where my family settled in the 1830s and I have used that one so long everyone knows it by now. Gordon Sewell Caruthers is just too dang long to type anyhow.

I feel so privileged to be a member of this board and to have made the acquaintance of so many of you. Aside from being a source of vast knowledge of one of my favorite subjects, this board has allowed me to meet, both electronically and face to face, some of the finest folks in the world.

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