20 years ago or so... I started posting on JT Sixguns board

by D. Sikes, Monday, January 07, 2019, 16:44 (2084 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Yup... about 1998 or so I found Earp.com and then Sixgunner... I might have used the nick... Texas Bullfrog... or maybe not... been too long for this old brain to remember.. but I met some very fine folks and wonder of wonders have met a couple thru the years... have kept up with quite a few of ya'll, as I moved from Texas to the Ozarks and thru some home-front disasters... have mourned the loss of a few great folks and rejoiced in the triumphs and victories of a few others and their families... have learned a whole bunch about some of my most favorite topics (old sixguns)... ya'll have been a constant source of pleasure, and heartfelt love of companionship among fellow travelers in life... and Mr Leahy... you are truely generous to a fault and an accomplished artisan... thank you for being a part of my life...

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