A lot of history "here"

by BCodd, Iowa, Wednesday, January 09, 2019, 10:36 (2082 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I can't recall when I joined up, but it must have been around the turn of the century or so, on the olden sixgunner board. I hope somebody still has the various midi songs... they used to make my heart skip a beat as I logged onto the various sites over the years, those open to all, the (shhhh) secret ones, and the various pages, current and defunct.

Through the various iterations of this group, through the comings and goings, through the laughter, the advice, ALL of the lies, and especially through some of the darkest days of our lives, I've always considered this group a band of brothers. Many of you have become true friends, and the rest of you I hope to break bread with down the line.

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have found some of my most beloved sixguns, I wouldn't stand in awe of the ominous death-ray, nor be aware of the BGA, of the sublime beauty of the No.1 International, the rest stop holster, the onion sack, nor the tannerite method of clearing a holler, banjo anecdotes, or the real history of gun control.

My hat is off to Jim, John, Paco, Terry, Lee, and on and on, gentlemen who stand alongside us but urge us to be better/smarter/craftier than the fools.

I remember those who have gone before us, young and old, and that damn list keeps growing, to my dismay.

Twenty years ago I was a snot-nosed punk living behind the golden curtain and I didn't know doodly-squat. Now I'm older, fatter, and grouchier, and I still don't know doodly-squat. Some help you all are!

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