Speaking of high ammo volumes...

by bmize, Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 17:05 (2868 days ago) @ Hoot

I still shoot 5-8k a year of low end match 22( wolf/SK/CCI SV)
I usually buy a case when I open a case. I'll have 2-3 on the shelf.

I pay what I have to pay to get it, $430-$630 last few years.
Have not bought a box retail in the last 7-8 years, just order it online.

Sportsmans guide had CCI SV for 37.50 a brick a few weeks ago with no limit

Someone above mentioned Gov stockpiling,

From a reliable source, Yes the gov is still buying 22lr by the truckload and it is going to some obscure warehouse around the country.
They actually change their contract from Win and Fed a few years ago to Agilla(sp) hense the reason Agilla dissapeared off the market a few years ago.

Before to long the CMP will have millions of rounds of Agilla for sale

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