playing with numbers

by bj @, Monday, November 14, 2016, 20:11 (2869 days ago) @ bj

so one factory makes about 6 million/day...

There appear to be at least 6 major manufacturers, so that is 42M/day, which is 15,300M/year.

Now how many people are buying significant numbers? Some online sources say there might be 100M gun owners in America, so how many are out there buying up ammo? For grins lets say 4M are buying up significant numbers.

15,300M/year divided by 4M buyers = 3,800 rounds/year. This doesn't seem unreasonable. I'm sure some people shoot that much per year, and if you are strictly hoarding maybe you can afford $300/year.

Now this has been going on for 4 years or more, so the average hoarder might have $1,200 invested, to just sit in their closet. I can't afford to do that but maybe some people can. But then I have to work every day so I can't sit at WalMart waiting for the stock to come in. The person that is hoarding may not have a full time job which allows them to be at WalMart in the morning to check the arrivals. Without full time income they might be less interested in having their money just sitting in the closet.

But this seems to show that a possibly realistic number of hoarders could soak up a lot of ammo and deny the average user from being able to buy any.

It's amazing to me that companies haven't stepped up their production before now. I work in an industry with a lot of competition, there is more supply than demand. I can't imagine working in an industry where there was money there for the taking, all you had to do was to produce more product.

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