playing with numbers

by Jared, Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 14:25 (2868 days ago) @ bj

I agree, Kathryn and I were going through 10-15K per year for a while. Since everything went crazy 6 years of so ago, I have maybe bought 10,000 rounds and still have most of it. It sounds like I a man stockpiling but when you compare to what we use to buy and shoot it is a drop I need the bucket. I refuse to pay more than $.06 a shot for bulk .22 so I think is hard to find. I check the local Walmart when I can and have got to know some of the workers. They are telling me they get a small shipment of bricks in maybe once every week or two, and they are never sure when that will ,come in. So the shortage Is running up the supply's line as well. A couple of Walmart actually took the space for rimfore ammo and are using it for other things now since they so seldom get ammo in.

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