The agency hoarding piece doesn't make sense to me...

by Bryan ⌂, Ft Worth, TX, Monday, November 14, 2016, 21:09 (2869 days ago) @ BC

why would a federal agency spend their limited amount of $ on rimfire ammo? The factories aren't going to give it to them that's for sure. Every federal agency with a publicly known budget is going to be careful with their dollars and where would they hide that kind of spending? Spending $ on rimfire ammo? What for? To keep it out of the public's hands? Don't think so. Can you imagine Federal or Eley or Winchester saying sure Uncle Sam...take our ammo (even at market value) and let's see what Joe Public thinks about it.

Somehow, the demand has continually outstripped the supply for years. I also know that the Feds are not keen on new ammo plants being built. Perhaps that changes with the new administration.

I know there's been a LOT of price gouging but sometimes you don't even see much rimfire at the shows. For sure you don't see a lot of powder/primers.

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