My age is showing..-- best tactical advice from 3-gun ...

by John Meeker @, Monday, June 27, 2016, 08:18 (3010 days ago) @ rob

nephew. very successful and competitive; long time CCW carrier. And advocate of Shield..asnd apparently it also pretty popular wit his peeps. Soooo....have a good assortment of J's, in diff configs, and calibers. Can carry and have carried assorted cals and makes. F'r instance, visits to Detroit require a Glock, and dress according. going about my daily biz,I illogically carry those very tactical-limited J's...... Rational? wishful thinking? Talisman against harm? Rejection of good tacky Doctrine. Human stupidity?

However, it happens that the daily 'leaving the house' gun is 99% a J-of some sort. Sometimes, two.. they just uck away, so handy like, the LW versions are no burden of belt-hitcher-upper.

Yup, irrational, vis-a-vis 'doctrine. I will say that if worked behind a public-access counter -- with qa cash register --'d be a compact Glock -- or similar. and a J. As well, a vehicle also gives accessible storage for the casewd AR, and mags.

What really gets dicey, to me, is traveling to unfamiliar territory, or say, mistakenly driving into someplace like New Jersey, while traversing unfamiliar territory.

Interesting question, and look forward to seeing other replies and Raison D'et.

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