Being "Old School"

by Murphy @, Monday, June 27, 2016, 08:04 (3010 days ago) @ Catoosa

I read long ago a quote from an old school shooter in regards to packing guns for saving your hide.

"All a fella needs, is a 1911 and a J frame Smith & Wesson". He was a wise individual no doubt.

Lets face it, the majority of us here along the decades have owned a lot of guns, and a lot of those got traded off or sold for the next big thing that came down the pike. Lord knows I've spent a young fortune playing that game.

I can't complain though, it's kept me off the streets. Besides, had it not been for my love of those old revolvers and such...I would have never found this board and some of the best people on earth I 'friends'.


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