New bullet casting board?

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 13:02 (3499 days ago) @ anachronism

I like the Cast Boolit site. There's enough knowledge there that one could never soak it in. Alloy, lube, bullet design, loading & shooting procedures that IMHO would be difficult if not impossible to duplicate. That said there is plenty there I don't care for.

New board? Bring it on. I was new to the net about 2000. With the help of Cas I learned to get around the web on a webtv setup. Of all the sites visited there was none to compare with the old sixgunner board.

Why did it do so well? I think because of the format. Like this one the subject comes up, is discussed & after a few days it's buried way down at the bottom. I like that but maybe sub forms would be better for a Casting Board.

I will say this: I don't like forms which try to cover it all. Those places like 24hr. CF or Greybread have way too many forms for me & don't follow those forms because of that. The Cast Boolit board is about as bad in that respect.

And while I'm at it I don't like running past a bunch of stickies in order to find the discussion. All stickies should be in a sub form of their own & other sub forms should have no more than one sticky perhaps to explain the contents of said form.

If it's a casting board that's wanted keep it about casting & shooting cast. If you want to be sure the guys on the board "want" to be there charge 50.00 to join & 25.00 per year to stay. I know that will be unpopular with many so like has been said, if you can't post at least once a month, pull their membership & let them register again with a new user name.

Enough said. Hope I didn't step on any toes & if I did please forgive me it wasn't done in malice. God Bless........Creeker

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