Very well put Charles

by Ian @, Texas, Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 21:31 (3500 days ago) @ Brad

Lots of good ideas. I just have a few questions.
Whar defines good moderators?
I agree entirely on politics or religion. What areas of discussion are needed?
For those who visit but don't post on CB, what can we do to change that on a new site? I want a place where we can have people openly and actively discuss casting and shooting. Disagreements are inevitable but can be handled properly.

What I want to know is what people are looking for in a site. What would you make it look like?

Oh, and what would you call it?

I'd like to see the usual suspects open for discussion: Alloy, lube, brass, moulds, reloading and casting equipment, gunsmithing, shooting, paper-patching, swaging, black powder, maybe a little swap/sell, and a general section for things not fitting specific categories but still related directly to cast bullets like hunting, bullet traps, tool making, etc. If it is built, "they" will come, and having been involved with the founding of the bullet casting subsections of several discussion boards, these things tend to be self evident once the first topic is opened.

A group of gentlemen discussing a common interest will naturally attract more of the same, I think all that is necessary to encourage the silenced to contribute is to be polite to them and stay out of their way. Some specific invitations would be in order here....and of course careful moderation. It doesn't take long to judge a person's on-line character or motivations, and those which are inflammatory, posturing, or self-aggrandizing should be made unwelcome by staff and members alike. How I do tire of logging on and feeling the need to "yell" over the din of instant experts (and those who post more for their own mischievous entertainment than to make a valuable contribution) simply to share some of my own experiences in a discussion.

Appearance matters little to me, it's the content that interests me. Discussions can have vivid color and contrast yet still be displayed black and white, like a good book.

Site name? Nothing with "boolit" in it, how about that?

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