New bullet casting board?

by Murphy @, Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 10:31 (3499 days ago) @ anachronism

I signed onto CB 9 years ago. It has now reached 37,000+ members. In my first 18 months on that site, I learned more about bullet casting than I had in the previous 25 years of casting on my own.

Over the years, I have watched it grow into something far from what it once was. Charles brought up many excellent points in regards as to what has happened to that board. The first major wave of members came on the heals of the current president being elected in 2008. After that, with every new threatening piece of federal legislation or tragic shooting, more would join by the thousands.

I tend to agree that there is room for another cast bullet forum. I will never abandon CB, it has been far too good to me and allowed me to help others whenever I can.

Good luck and I'll be watching for an update.


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