New bullet casting board?

by Charles, Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 12:43 (3500 days ago) @ Cherokee
edited by Charles, Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 12:48

Cherokee...All I can do is speak for myself. When the board was started in it's original form in the late 1990s it consisted of a handful of people who were dedicated to finding out how to make cast bullets shoot in rifles and were willing to question every myth and established practice in the doing of it. The result was a quantum leap forward in the knowledge and science of shooting cast bullets in rifles.

When the original host folded the group went through several other hosts but found none satisfactory until on of the members started one, just for the purpose of having a place to gather as we had once did. This is the current board.

The board grew quickly with a flood of new people joining in the tens of thousands. The original people were overwhelmed with trying to get the new people up to speed. The old myths and old wives tales began to reappear and when the old hands tried to correct that, they found themselves often under attack for having to continually say "No that is not right. That is not the way it is done.". The net result was an exodus of the original and knowledgably people.

Today the board is much much larger yet and bad information and misinformation is rampant. Attempts to correct it are still met with resistance from many. Those who try and correct are often given suspensions for being "Offensive, arrogant and elitist". There are still some good people there, but they are few and far between and as a rule it is the blind leading the blind.

Ed Harris, who I think knows more about cast bullets in rifles and fire arms in general has begun to try and insert some sanity there, but he does so under a different name. I find it amusing that folks still call him out for being wrong not knowing who they are talking too.

The bottom line is that board has become a victim of it's own success with more and diverse people that it can handle in a constructive and peaceful manner. It can be very chaotic. To keep some kind of order the moderating has become very heavy handed and that is also a problem for many.

In short a new board is needed and I just hope it does not become a victim of it's own success somewhere down the line. Again this is just my take on the situation as one who has watched the board since the very early days.

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