You can keep true love...

by Paul ⌂, Friday, January 02, 2015, 17:22 (3553 days ago) @ Charles

True love never dies. On the other hand, true lust is all too often mistaken for "true love" - and leads to blindness towards the object of that lust. Just heard of yet another story such as that which inspired my original post. Fellow in mourning goes to Panama to forget his woes. Finds a cute young thing. "Falls in love" with her and ends up in her home town "going to get married". Oh, and she speaketh not his language and he speaketh but little of hers. He falls ill and is rushed to the hospital. She appears two days later magnanimously asking for his credit cards so as to "pay the hotel and restaurant bill". Upon denial of her request by the hotel staff she then exits stage left, never to be heard from again. He's left holding the bag, wondering where his "true love" got off to.

If you're old, bald, paunchy, out of shape (not counting round), do not dance nor speak the only language known by the belle who is a third of your age (ie -young enough to be your granddaughter, maybe even great-granddaughter) - the odds of her finding you attractive as anything other than a means of providing a life of luxury with no real work involved are not very good.

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