Call me cynical...

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, January 01, 2015, 00:30 (3555 days ago) @ Hobie

Seeing one more case of some guy trying to find companionship while not recognizing that he's no longer in his 20's and has nothing in common with the object of his lust - not even the lust in all probability. We see it a lot around here, with guys coming down to try to find some femininity - something that seems to be quite lacking up north thanks to the ultra-nazi-feminists and their campaign to eradicate anything masculine or truly feminine.

Like someone observed, the Good Lord gave man a brain and a penis - but only enough blood to run one of them at a time. With the growth of the pornography market, the eradication of femininity and the lack of a cultural compass to guide men towards true masculinity it is no wonder that we see so many of these cases down here.

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